Thursday, December 13, 2007

Internet Daily Chapel For Thursday, December 13, 2007 - E-Booklet, Public Domain

Internet Daily Chapel For Thursday, December 13, 2007
Online Christian Worship Service
A Service of Internet Church Of Christ
Rev. Bill McGinnis, Pastor

Today's Internet Daily Chapel now in e-booklet =>
(See =>

Welcome to you.

Today's Internet daily Chapel is an e-booklet, which starts at the beginning of the Chapel, and proceeds through it to the end.

This e-booklet is located at =>

You can simply download it, and it should run normally, with no other effort or preparation needed. If you have any problems with it, please write to me, with the words "CHAPEL PROBLEMS" in the subject line.

At the top of each page in this e-booklet, you will find a Toolbar, with controls for BACK, NEXT, SEARCH, PRINT, ABOUT, and EXIT. Please use the NEXT control to take you through the e-booklet, and you can also use the other controls as needed.

Many of the pages have active links to other pages on the Internet. You are invited to link to these as you desire, but the BACK and NEXT controls will remember only the order of pages within this e-booklet, not the outside links you visit.

There will be no fixed order of worship in these e-booklets, and I will try to make each day's Internet Daily Chapel a unique and rewarding worship experience for you, as the Spirit leads.

Blessings to you, in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Rev. Bill McGinnis

Each day's complete Internet Daily Chapel is at =>

Link to all our recent worship services at =>

Internet Daily Chapel blog is at =>

You can accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior at =>

We are => - a service of

Blessings to you in Jesus Christ our Lord.

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